Notice of Privacy
UBESA, S.A. DE C.V. (hereinafter “TUBESA”), is a legally constituted and existing commercial company in accordance with current legislation in Mexico, domiciled at: Culiacán 123, Int. 1307, Colonia Hipódromo, Del. Cuauhtémoc, 06100, México, DF, Mexico.
For the purpose of complying with the provisions of the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Private Parties (hereinafter the Law), this PRIVACY NOTICE is extended.
The data provided by you and that has been received by this company, will be used in the following terms:
Customers and / or Prospects: Your personal information will be used to promote the products and / or services you have requested, inform you about changes in them, evaluate the quality of the service we provide and enter the customer catalog, to provide you with product information, services, promotions and / or surveys; For the aforementioned purposes we need to obtain the following personal data: Company name, address, telephone, fax and email, considering as sensitive according to the Law, name of the person and position of the contact within the company.
Suppliers and service providers: Your personal information will be used specifically for the purposes that you provide it, which may be: Entering the list of suppliers, for the fulfillment of obligations derived from commercial operations in which you are a part, such as; sales, supply contracts, work contracts, etc., civil contracts such as leases, assignments and service contracts, financial operations, payments, or to provide you with information on contests or notices that may be of interest to you.
Visitors to the TUBESA facilities: Your name, company that you represent, and identification shown; vehicle data and equipment or machinery that you bring to the facilities are collected. Facial and / or tactile biometric information may be collected. You will be videotaped and some of the captured images will be shared with the Aguascalientes Customs Office of the Mexican Tax Administration Service, for the purposes of keeping track of the people who enter the facilities, also indicating the date, time of entry and time of exit. This is for your safety, that of the company and the assets of third parties that may be within the facilities.
Applicants to occupy a job position: Their name, academic, criminal and work history, personal references, health and physical conditions, socioeconomic profile, address, among others, are collected. Said data will be used in the recruitment and selection process, to evaluate if the applicant is suitable for the job, and to integrate the company’s job catalogue. If the applicant is hired as a company worker, their data will be used for the preparation of the individual employment contract (collective bargaining agreement where applicable), application for admission, salary and benefits payments, job profile, integration of the personal and services file, notices, circulars, instructions, policy report, instructions, procedures or code of conduct, report of courses or talks, designation of beneficiaries or economic dependents, training and training plans and programs, ranks or organic operational technician, to provide personal references, obtain certification, permits, licenses, concessions and authorizations, integration of mixed commissions, studies, analysis and medical examinations, health campaigns, national epidemiological surveillance system, identification and prevention of occupational hazards, inspections work, home and office visits by the Institute of Mexican Social Security, Institute for the National Fund for Workers ‘Housing, Secretary of Finance and Public Credit, Institute of the National Fund for Workers’ Consumption, Secretary of Health, administrative procedures or lawsuits, and any other compliance in work and safety and hygiene, environmental, social or radiological security matters, as well as applicable regulations in fiscal, health, environmental, commercial, civil and criminal matters or due to any requirement of a competent authority.
Company workers: The necessary data is collected for the fulfillment of the obligations derived from the employment relationship, including their name, address, photograph, profession, Federal Taxpayer Registry code, affiliation number to the Mexican Social Security Institute, among others.
The data related to your health, present and future are considered as Sensitive Data, and are requested and kept in the files and / or databases of the company for occupational health and safety issues, in accordance with the provisions of the Federal Labor Law and Federal Regulations.